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Top-Quality Heating Oil for Your Home

In the past, oil heat has earned a less-than-stellar reputation for being too expensive and not as fuel-efficient as other home heating fuels. Times have changed. Today, oil heat is one of the most clean-burning, efficient fuel sources in the industry, and Kent Oil & Propane Co is Camden’s trusted oil heat provider. Our company has stayed up-to-date on all of the latest innovations in oil heat in recent years to ensure we’re serving you best in terms of budget and dependable fuel. We understand the value and efficiency of oil heat for homeowners, and we deliver real savings, fuel efficiency, and complete oil system service to all our residential customers.

Kent Oil & Propane Co truck outside residential home

Dependable Oil Delivery

Kent Oil & Propane Co delivers premium, clean-burning heating oil from reliable distributors to thousands of local homeowners every year. With more than four generations of hands-on experience and dependable service, our company makes it easier than ever to get the fuel you need at prices that fit your budget. Our well-maintained fleet is out making deliveries through all four seasons, so you can get the same-day or next-day delivery you need when you need it. Combine that with our automatic scheduling, senior and military discounts, and prompt, courteous service, and you’ll never be without home heating fuel again.

Benefits of Oil for Heating Your Home

Modern oil heat offers many advantages for homeowners in terms of installation, production, savings, and safety. With oil heat, you know you have a tried, trusted system that will keep you comfortable and the accessible fuel resources you want year-round. Customers choose home heating oil deliveries and services from Kent Oil & Propane Co techs because our oil heat offers unmatched advantages, such as:

Easy Installation

An oil heating system fits in almost any residential setup. Working with our techs, you can easily navigate the operation of an oil heat system and take advantage of all the advanced, versatile features they have to offer.

BTU Production

Heating oil produces more British Thermal Units (BTUs) per gallon than any other fuel available. No matter how cold the temperature may be outside, your oil-fired furnace will keep your interior warm and comfortable for less money every time.

Energy Savings

With modern advances in heating oil, it now burns hotter, cleaner, and more efficiently than ever before. Today’s oil heat systems can save you as much as 25% annually on heating costs and have much less impact on the environment than systems of yesteryear.

Environment Benefits

Oil heat is becoming the green fuel of choice for savvy homeowners. Today’s systems can reach efficiency percentages of up to 85%, wasting less fuel overall and reducing the need for excessive oil production and transportation.


Heating oil cannot burn in a liquid state. This means it is not combustible while being transported through your neighborhood, nor while being installed in your home.

Contact Us

Home heating oil is efficient, affordable, and safe. When you want to save more on home heating costs during the colder months, call in the professionals with the right resources and generations of service experience. Call Kent Oil & Propane Co today for your onsite estimate.

You Choose, We Deliver