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Your Trusted Propane Delivery and Services Partner

When it comes to heating your home or business, Kent Oil & Propane Co knows that reliability, efficiency, and cost are of the utmost importance. That is why, as Camden’s most trusted local fuel supplier, we offer comprehensive propane fuel delivery, as well as a full range of propane services and installs for our commercial and residential clients. We know that propane is one of the nation’s cleanest, most efficient, and eco-friendly fuels there is. As a full-service propane company, we confidently offer superior money-saving propane products, systems, equipment, and assistance to suit your unique needs.

Kent Oil & Propane Co truck outside business filling fuel tank

Fast Propane Delivery

Keeping warm and comfortable during a Delaware winter requires a recurring source of reliable fuel that delivers when it matters most. At Kent Oil & Propane Co, we understand the value and benefits propane can offer commercial and residential clients and provide same-day, next-day, or automatic delivery for all your fuel needs. As a family-owned company operating in the Camden, DE, area, all our technicians are drivers are local. We know your energy needs first-hand and go beyond service standards to ensure you have it whatever the weather or time of day, even through the worst storms. Kent Oil & Propane Co is here for you 24/7 with the delivery resources and services our competitors can’t match.

The Many Benefits of Propane

Propane offers various incredible benefits as both a heating and operating fuel. Home or business owners who utilize propane to run their residential and commercial operations can expect to see more significant benefits and improved savings than ever before. These advantages include:


Almost all household appliances can run on propane. Water heaters, ovens, outdoor lighting, fireplaces, and backup generators all provide the most dependable operation using clean, efficient propane as fuel.

Less Wear & Tear

Propane puts less stress on your mechanical systems, preserving longevity over time. This means appliances are easier to maintain, break down less, last longer, saving you more on repairs and replacements.

Improved Energy Savings

With better efficiency comes lower fuel and operating costs. Propane has proven to be one of the most efficient fuels available for both homes and businesses, saving customers thousands of dollars a year over year.

Domestically Made

Nearly 100% of propane fuel is produced in North America. This homegrown fuel supply helps to stimulate the American economy, provides jobs for local companies and technicians, and is readily available with one call.


Propane gas is completely safe and non-toxic. It cannot hurt groundwater or soil and has low flammability. With modern innovations in the fuel industry, it has become one of the greenest and most sought-after fuels available.

Gas and Propane Safety

When making propane your chosen source of fuel or energy, there are several steps you can take to ensure safe usage. The propane experts at Kent Oil & Propane Co can walk you through all the best practices at your home or business and provide you with peace of mind, knowing you are minimizing the dangers and maximizing output. Some of the top things to look (or smell) for include:

Yellow or Irregular Flames

Propane burns with a blue flame. Seeing different colored flames inside your appliances means that your propane isn’t burning properly and the possible existence and release of carbon dioxide.

Soot Build-Up

Propane is a clean-burning fuel. There should be no soot build-up in or around your appliances. If you see soot, call in a technician to look at your system setup to prevent malfunction and possible breakdown.

Smell Test

Propane is odorless by nature. If you smell a scent akin to rotten eggs or an angry skunk, you may have a propane leak.

Contact Kent Oil & Propane Co for Propane Delivery and Service

If you have opted to make propane your fuel of choice, call in our experts for the comprehensive service and supply you want. Kent Oil & Propane Co offers reliable delivery and assistance with all propane systems, as well as senior and military discounts for those who qualify. Contact us for your personalized estimate today.

You Choose, We Deliver